3 Ways to Wear Prints with Colour Constrast Levels Outside of Your Ideal and Look Stunning

3 Ways to Wear Prints with Colour Constrast Levels Outside of Your Ideal and Look Stunning

Ideally, choosing prints and patterns that are within your ideal colour contrast level is the best solution to looking in harmony with your outfit. But should you choose to go outside of those levels, how to pull off the look so you wear the pattern rather than the pattern wearing you? We all have favourite…

What Jennifer Aniston Can Teach You About The Relaxed Style Done Well

What Jennifer Aniston Can Teach You About The Relaxed Style Done Well

As I’ve discussed before here, understanding how your personality impacts on your clothing and style choices (and how it’s way more important than body shape in so many ways), The personality dressing style that is used the most these days (with the casualisation of the work dress code) and with most of us also having…