Would You Love Practical and Stylish Outfits Yet Feel You Need to Change Outfits Several Times a Day? 

Maybe there’s a better way… How to find the right balance of practical clothing that work from general household chores to running to the shops. Reader Question – How do I find the right balance of clothing for my varied life? From home cleaning and yard maintenance to going out to the shops. I like…

How to Style Jeans

16 Ways to Wear Jeans

Jeans are a staple in so many wardrobes. In fact, I think some people almost exclusively wear jeans (I’ve seen them at weddings … not a good look unless it’s a casual dress code!), but I also often get asked how to make jeans look more than really casual. So I thought I’d share a…

D is for Denim - Imogen Lamport's A-Z of Style - how to choose and wear denim

D is for Denim

Denim is a staple in most wardrobes, and rightly so. It has many uses, is a hard-wearing fabric, and can be dressed up or down (to a certain extent). As far as cost per wear goes, most people get the maximum value from their favourite jeans. How to Choose Denim Garments (including Jeans) Fabric drape…