Unlocking Fashion Freedom: Age and Height Should Never Limit Your Style

Do you ever feel limited by your age or height when it comes to fashion? Age and height are just numbers, not fashion sentences. While the fashion industry might skew towards the younger and taller demographic, there’s no rule stating that age dictates your style choices. So, let’s banish the notion that you’re confined to…

292: Your colour questions answered about relaxed personality style, petite and choosing shoes.

The relaxed personality style report you sent to me is 100% me but little of my wardrobe reflects that. I have recently retired at 66. I haven’t really transitioned into my style from work clothes, dead easy to buy, Reiss and Hobbs and silk blouses, these still fill my wardrobe yet are unworn. I’m slobbing around in shorts and tees hirts or black leggings. When I pluck up courage to go shopping I can’t decide what to buy, I dislike buying on line as depending on brand and cut I might be an 8 or a 10. Often I am overwhelmed by choice. So really where do I start?
My biggest problem is I am short (1m58), curvy (but not curvy enough to fit in plus-size models) and that’s sometimes hard to find. Help
Footwear issues: what to wear with each kind of outfit? I can’t wear heels because of a bad back and I never know what type of shoe to wear that is both stylish and season appropriate (warm in winter. etc) and what kind of leg covering goes with what: leggings and socks, just socks, foot leggings, what? The regular panty hose is not warm enough for the cold winters in my region.

190: Colour and Style Q&A: Tips on petite dressing style, proportions, and style recipe.

Being older and not very tall I struggle with knowing where and how to shop for my style
What is your opinion on the French/half tuck of tops? It works with my style recipe and it definitely improves proportions sometimes. But I always feel a little bit like I am trying too hard to look cool. Especially with button down shirts. Is this tuck a fad or a trend? Is getting the proportions right more important than anything else?
One of my big style struggles is having to decide each day what to wear. I don’t always have time to be creative, but wish the decisions were easier. Maybe that I had some more style options that I like or were easier to “go to” that I don’t have to fret through every morning.

173: Colour and Style Q&A: How to mix and match greys? How to wear ballet flats in corporate world? How can I flatter my figure and distract from my tummy?

How to mix and match greys so they look good and I don’t look like I’ve gotten dressed in the dark
I have a back issue that means I can’t wear heels but I don’t feel polished in my corporate work outfits in ballet flats.
Petite H Shape with a tummy, how can I flatter my figure and distract from my tummy?