Personality and your jewellery choices - how to choose jewellery to express your personality

What’s Your Personal Style? Personality and Your Jewellery

Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of personal style and exploring how personality and environment play significant roles in our clothing choices. I had a delightful conversation with Carol Karl who is one of my fabulous 7 Steps to Style sisters and who has a YouTube channel dedicated to all things jewellery.  We discussed…

238: Colour and Style Q&A: Petite, Caribbean Descent Body, and Stylish at 50s.

I’m 5 foot tall. Even where there are petite ranges, the ‘petite’ element seems only to apply to width, and not height as well. I know I’m well under the average, but I find it difficult to believe that a size 8/10 is likely to be for the same height person as a size 16/18. Plus sizes have whole ranges – petite seem only to be a percentage (and not a large one) of a store/line’s merchandise. Finding something that fits – it’s a challenge, and often dispiriting.
In light of the pandemic and my gaining more weight than losing it, I believe my shape has become an “O.”
I am of Caribbean descent and therefore have inherited more behind than hips. How should I take this into account when figuring out what to wear. I can’t seem to find anyone — either online or in books — who takes this into account. I don’t have wide hips just a big bodacious backside.
I’ve lost 70 pounds in the last eight months. I’m not sure I even know what is supposed to be stylish for someone that is in their 50’s.

224: Colour and Style Q&A: Personal style, pants, and stylish mum.

I never know my personal style, I feel overwhelmed with all the pictures I see on social media and what clothes I like and then when I end up buying clothes they either don’t look right on me or I don’t feel good or confident in them, that’s one of the reasons I feel shopping so difficult.
It seems that cropped pants are very popular right now. I’ve tried on some in stores, but couldn’t find any that looked good on me. My legs and body are the same length, but my thighs are long and my legs from knee to ankle are short. My ankles are slim, but I have big feet. The slim legged cropped pants make my hips look very wide and my feet very large. The larger legs look equally bad. I’m an H shape with a flat butt. I normally wear slim cut pants that are straight leg or boot cut, but I’d like something cooler for casual summer wear. Most all the blogs say to never wear capris, but I’m wondering if capris the same length as my ideal skirt length wouldn’t be my best bet. You posted a blog with a very complicated mathematical formula for finding the best skirt length. Mine is at the bottom of my knee and I think that is right
I have work clothes, church clothes, social and dressy clothes. I’ve never been much into leisure wear. Now that I am at home I don’t have “stay-at-home nice clothes”. I don’t want to wear my work clothes and ruin them but I don’t have nice casual clothes. I hate “tight-feeling” clothes like jeans when I want to be comfy. I don’t have any visitors or anyone coming to the door. Any suggestions?

192: Colour and Style Q&A: Changing body shape, adding colours to your outfit, and classic boring clothes.

0.08 I have put on a lot of weight and my shape has changed dramatically. I could always highlight my waist before. Now I feel like a blob and need to wear loose tunics etc. It depresses me and I’m aimless just now while I am desperately trying to regain my healthy body.
2.19 I have very visible skin rash (a post COVID symptom) around the eyes and on the cheeks and am supposed not to cover it with make-up to let it “rest”. My colour palette is enigmatic and I am 1 colour plus neutral when my skin is normal.
4.09 My biggest challenge is: to feel better with my appearance, be less conventional, classical and boring and find joy in my clothes.

189: Colour and Style Q&A: Matching skirts and shoes, dressing while losing weight, and shopping clothes

Do I wear back sandals with the skirt to make it relate to me or would that only accentuate the unideal color?
Do you have some tips on how to dress while trying to lose weight? I want to buy clothes that make me feel good at this weight but am nervous that I’m wasting money.
I think one of my biggest challenges right now when it comes to my style is, not knowing if I should buy pricier clothing items for style or not.

179: Colour and Style Q&A: Tips when you feel nothing fit or flatter your body, wearing trousers and tops when you’re overweight, and style shift with different workplaces.

I feel like I’m never stylish – it that my lack of shape means clothes don’t fit or flatter? I’m short too which doesn’t help – any suggestions?
I’d love to wear dresses and skirts but tend to always wear trousers and tops because I’m overweight. I find it hard to dress up! I also recently bought a bowler hat but haven’t had the courage to wear it yet.
My style shifts with different workplaces, cultures and activities and I”m quite non-conformist, whilst also being comfort orientated. I could like to add a piece or two from current trends to wear with my existing wardrobe. How to do this?